Auto insurance rates are on the rise, despite the fact that gas prices have climbed down from their peaks. It's not the price you pay for gas that influences auto insurance rates, but repair and medical costs in the US. And as some of you have already noticed these factors seem to become more and more expensive with each year passing. Auto insurance companies are required to cope with these tendencies in order to keep their profit at the desired level, and it's the customer who pays the difference.
Still, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to overpay for auto insurance. There are ways you can save some money on auto insurance and here are some of the most effective you have to know about when shopping for a new policy or changing providers:
Drop unnecessary coverage
You policy may contain different coverage types that you simply don't need. This especially applies to those who have purchased their cars through a loan. Lending companies prefer adding more insurance coverage to their requirements, making your insurance policy more costly. Sit down to analyze your policy with an insurance agent and exclude the types of coverage you don't need if they are not required by state laws or contracts.
Take advantage of discounts
Insurance companies aren't very enthusiastic about telling everyone they have discounts, but it never hurts to ask, right? If you are a good driver with a defensive driving course behind your back you may opt for a special discount. Low yearly mileage? Most companies will give you lower rates if your mileage is below 10,000 miles per year. Good students can opt for discounts too, if their average is B and above. Ask your insurance agent or broker about discounts with your provider and make sure to opt for any you can.
Raise your deductible
Deductibles are the amount of money you pay on your own before the policy takes force. The higher is the amount the lower will be your premium. Most policy carry default deductibles of 250$, and by raising them up to 500$ you will gain a 10-15% drop in your premiums. Increase them to 1000$ and you will drop your rates by about 25%. However, make sure you will have the money if an accident takes place.

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