That is perhaps the most apt description of how self-insured employers and their business partners have adapted to the new health care law and the ongoing reform process it has triggered.
For obvious reasons, we saw a flurry of activity immediately after the passage of PPACA to first determine what was actually in the legislation and then to move forward with compliance planning. This stage seems to have largely passed and now we are in an extended waiting period until 2014, which is when the health insurance exchanges are scheduled to come on-line and the next wave of regulatory requirements, such as the employer mandate, are upon us.
With that timeline framed, let’s take a look at where things stand today and possible legislative/regulatory developments over the next three years.
Clearly there is curiosity with regard to self-insured employer reaction to PPACA as we approach the first anniversary of the law’s enactment. A recent outreach effort to employers of various sizes generated feedback that concluded the law has not created any significant hurdles for them to continue to self-insure, at least in the short run.
The biggest issue seems to be whether or not employers want to retain grandfather status of their health plans. Although unscientific, the feedback suggests it is almost an even split regarding grandfather status decision.
We also received feedback on other issues such administrative burdens, plan design changes, wellness programs and stop-loss cost. When this information was aggregated, the observation is that while there is general discomfort with adapting to the new law, employers are sticking with self-insured health plans, at least for time being.
More on the longer term employer view later, but first we need to stay focused on health care reform developments that will play out in the coming weeks and months, which could influence events before 2014.
Separate HHS and DOL reports dealing with self-insured health plans will likely be released this month and despite efforts to ensure that the regulators are fully educated about self-insurance, there is probably a better than average chance that these reports will contain negative commentary.
Key members of Congress and their staff have already been briefed in advanced about possible biased findings, and we have been generally encouraged by the supportive responses. That said, we could very well see self-insured health plans being one of the focal points in future legislative developments if official government reports conclude that such plans impede overall health reform implementation efforts.
The most likely threat would be legislation to restrict smaller employers from self-insuring, similar to a provision actually included in an early version of the PPACA legislation that SIIA was able to have stripped.
As previously reported, the IRS is also looking to define stop-loss insurance, which was an unanticipated consequence of the health care law. We expect a face-to-face meeting any day to get a better understanding of the agency’s thinking and I will be sure to publish a recap of this meeting, so be sure to check back regularly.
It was interesting to hear President Obama’s comments at the National Governors Association meeting this week that he is agreeable for moving up the timeline for states to be available to apply for waivers to the health care law if they develop their own reform plans that achieve the same access and affordability outcomes as the administration anticipates through PPACA implementation.
This offer was made in response to complaints from numerous governors that the new health care law will greatly increase costs to the states due to expanded Medicaid obligations. And of course, it was classic Obama rhetoric – a politically appealing sound bite that doesn’t square with reality.
Of course, the hitch with this offer is that a state-based plan must meet an artificially high bar for outcomes in order to be approved, so the reality is that it is unlikely that any waivers will actually be granted. As such, it is probably premature to be concerned about ERISA preemption issues, but we will certainly keep an eye on things.
In a bit of positive news, some of our reliable sources in Congress have signaled a renewed interest in association health plan (AHP) legislation, which would include a self-insurance option. They tell us, however, that the one hurdle to overcome is the perception that AHPs would contribute to adverse selection and therefore compromise larger health care reform objectives.
We are working to address these concerns now, so stay tuned for a possible return of AHPs as a serious topic for discussion on Capitol Hill.
Then there are the legal challenges to PPACA. Just today, Florida Federal Judge Robert Vinson put the Obama on notice that they have seven days to file an motion for expedited appellate review of the individual mandate constitutionality question or 26 state will be allowed to hold off on any PPACA implementation actions pending a final ruling by the Supreme Court. This has made things even more interesting.
There will be more short term health care reform legislative/regulatory developments for sure, but I thought it would be useful to highlight those on the radar screen today.
Now let’s return to the longer view of PPACA from the self-insured employer perspective. The real uncertainly arrives in 2014 when companies are required to provide health coverage or pay a penalty (play or pay).
From talking with several employer representatives, we have learned that most companies have been running numbers to test both scenarios, but are generally keeping tight-lipped about any conclusions at this early date. So essentially, the self-insurance marketplace has moved quickly to adapt to the new health care regulatory environment and now the waiting begins for potentially bigger shoes to drop going forward and the resulting reaction from self-insured employer and there business partners.
Settle in…it’s going to be a long ride.

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